Best bow for a barrager?
I've heard that Horn & Ivory bows are the best for barraging, since they're so slow you can barrage with every shot (while on a shortbow you have to alternate between a normal shot and a barrage). They also have that 10% AP, which is very nice, but I was just wondering, why can't you use a longbow or a flatbow with barrage instead? Barrage has a 1 sec recharge, and even the fastest bows (flats and shorts) have a 2.0 second refire rate (which is 1.3 seconds with TF, LR, or Frenzy), giving Barrage more than enough time to recharge. So, why use a horn/ivory bow, with its much slower refire rate and lesser range (compared to a longbow or flatbow)?
Collectors offer recurve bows, longbows, and flatbows (all in the appearance of Ascalon bows), so getting a good mod on a horn bow isn't easy... but a 15% enchanted long/flat/recurve bow for use with JI is. So why a horn bow?